Singles Box Ladder recording scores

Singles Box Ladder recording scores

Posted on 25th Nov 2022, 12:00am

Singles Box Ladder


 Recording Scores

  • Players are responsible for recording match scores.
  • Scores should be posted promptly.
  • It is customary that the winner enters the score.
  • Matches are best of five.
  • Any scoring system may be used by mutual consent.
  • If time runs out before a match is complete:
    • The declared winner records 3 games.
    • The opponent records all games won.
    • The leader of any part game is awarded that game.
    • Hand in breaks a points tie.
  • Scores are posted on SHQ box ladder page.
  • Duplicate matches scores or other errors may be removed from player match history. Re-enter scores as required.
  • Club Locker is NOT connected to box ladder.

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