All about Open Singles Box Ladder

All about Open Singles Box Ladder

Posted on 2nd Jan 2024, 12:00am

Box Ladder Singles also known as Open Singles Box Ladder (OSBL).


  • Box Ladder Singles runs all year when there is sufficient interest.
  • Players new, returning, or current must sign up each session (month).
  • Each session is about a month.
  • Each box most often has 5 players.
  • Players must have full singles booking privileges.
  • Minimum standard of skill is required.
  • Players are responsible for arranging matches and recording the score.
  • Matches count towards Sporty HQ singles ranking.


A box ladder is a scheme to group players into boxes for round robin play.

  • The players within a box are of similar skill level.
  • Each player arranges a match with every player within their box.
  • Match scores are recorded.
  • At the end of a session (about one month) points awarded are totaled.
  • Based on totals, players are promoted, remain in the same spot, or demoted.


General Statement: Evergreen Squash Club’s Box Ladder Singles.

  • Our Box Ladder Singles runs on a Sporty HQ platform and with oversight by a manager.
  • The player list is completely renewed for each month. Players are NOT carried over month to month.
  • The success of Box Ladder Singles relies heavily upon the players. SHQ works at its best when every player completes all their matches.  Good communication among box participants is important.  SHQ has a couple of aides for member to member communication.  All players should be pro-active in arranging matches.  A prompt reply is expected to invitations to arrange a match.
  • It is customary that the winner records match results.


Expectation of players:  Evergreen Squash Club’s Box Ladder Singles.

  • Players must have a membership category that permits full access to singles court bookings.
  • Players must meet minimal skill and knowledge standards.
  • Players must have a Squash BC singles ranking based on a reasonable history and or an assessment by our club pros or club manager.
  • Signing up comes with a commitment to make every effort to arrange and play all matches.
  • Players are expected to provide other players reasonable options for match dates.
  • Players will need access and knowledge of SHQ and Evergreen web sites to deal with communicating with other players, finding Box Ladder Singles, recording match scores, etc.
  • Players manage their Box Ladder Singles status; opt in or out each month.
  • New players to Box Ladder Singles inform ladder manager of details.
  • Players returning to active play inform ladder manager of details.

Planning your matches: Evergreen Squash Club’s Box Ladder Singles.

  • Each cycle is about a month long. Local tournament and club events are considered.
  • Each box usually has 5 players, so four matches need to be arranged.
  • A simple plan is a match a week. Plan early.
  • It is best to avoid trying to schedule multiple matches in the last week.
  • Be aware that your opponents will have different schedules; they may not be available when you want to play.
  • SHQ has a feature to contact other in your box via a link. In addition, all members are listed in an online roster.
  • Provide some options for dates to your box mates early in the cycle.
  • Respond promptly to all invitations to set a match date.

Scoring matches: Evergreen Squash Club’s Box Ladder Singles.

  • All matches are recorded as best of 5.
  • The default scoring is PAR 15.
  • Players by mutual consent may choose any scoring system.
  • Point a rally (PAR) or hand in hand out (HIHO) are options.
  • Games to 9, 11, or 15 are traditional.
  • Custom is winner records the results on SHQ. Be sure that both players do not enter the score.
  • Players are expected to play all their matches. When a match is not played no result may be entered.  A player may not claim a default and a player may not offer a default.
  • Incomplete matches due to injury or bumped off the court use the following rules.
    • Winner always records 3 games won.
    • Loser records all games won.
    • If time runs out, whoever is leading a game wins that game.
    • If points are tied, hand in wins the game.
    • If an injury occurs and player is unable to continue, it depends on cause of injury. Refer to singles rules for details.  The general concept is that if the injury is obviously caused by careless play of the opponent, then the injured is awarded the match.  The opponent would still be credited with any completed game won.  If the injury is otherwise caused, the injured get credit for completed games won but defaults the match.  Opponent scores 3 games regardless of score at the time of injury.

Box Ladder points: Evergreen Squash Club’s Box Ladder Singles.

  • One point per game won.
  • Two points per match won.
  • One point per match played.
  • One point for playing all matches.
  • Zero points for matches not played regardless of reasons.

Recording match scores: Evergreen Squash Club’s Box Ladder Singles.

  • Winner usually enters results. Avoid both players entering the results.
  • Login to SHQ.
  • Select Singles Box Ladder.
  • Enter match score.
  • If an error is made entering the score, delete the score in your match history and enter the correct version.


How does the open singles box ladder work?

  • Players are ranked from highest to lowest.
  • Ranking is based on box ladder history, SHQ singles rankings, advice of professional staff.
  • SHQ rankings are dynamic and change daily.
  • Players are held in a box for the duration of a cycle which is about a month.
  • It is not unusual for a player’s SHQ ranking to be a little high or low compared to box placement.
  • At the end of a cycle the players within a box are ranked according to ladder point totals.
  • Ladder points are awarded for playing a match, each game won, and each match won.
  • At the end of a cycle, top 2 players are moved up the ladder, bottom 2 players are moved down the ladder.
  • All players are rolled over to the next cycle according to the promotions and demotions.
  • At this stage the players are essentially in one continuous list rather than boxes.
  • Players opting out are removed.
  • Players new or returning to active play are inserted based on an assessment or ranking points.
  • Some adjustments are made by manager for various reasons.
  • SHQ generates the new boxes; most boxes will have 5 players and a few with 4 or 6 players as necessary.
  • Once the new boxes are published and underway there may still be further adjustments.
  • The number of boxes changes throughout the season.
  • The player list changes: some leave and some are inserted. Total number may increase or decrease.
  • Players should judge their progress relative to players close to them in the ladder rather than the box number.




Opting in and opting out: Evergreen Squash Club’s Box Ladder Singles.    

  • Sign up is required each month.
  • There is a sign up period (about 1 week prior to the close of the current box).
  • An email is sent to the general membership to announce the sign up period for the coming month. A bulletin is posted at the club.  The current player list is notified.
  • The deadline for signing up is the last day for the current month which is a Sunday.
  • Current players are expected to opt IN or OUT.
  • Players who wish to reactivate their status must notify the ladder manager.
  • Players new to the box ladder must notify the ladder manager and have a skill assessment.
  • Players cannot add or delete their name from an active box.
  • Only administration can edit the active boxes.

Changes to active boxes: Evergreen Squash Club’s Box Ladder Singles.

  • Once a cycle has begun only the ladder manager may make changes to the boxes.
  • Players’ positions may be adjusted or inserted but only in the early stages of a cycle.
  • A player name may be removed from the box but only if there are no matches recorded.
  • For whatever reasons, players may be unable to meet their commitment to play all their matches. In such cases it is expected the player will inform others in the box of their situation AND send a note to the ladder manager.
  • Not completing all matches creates an unfair situation for others in the box. The ladder manager may adjust box points to be fair after the close of the cycle.
  • Players cannot add or delete their name from an active box.
  • Only administration can edit the active boxes.


Access to Sporty HQ and Evergreen Web Site.

  • Evergreen has its own web site. It may be accessed directly or via SHQ.  The web site has a public view and a member only area.
  • SHQ’s web site also has a public and a member area.
  • Membership at Evergreen allows access to both web sites.
  • The club manager provides directions to access these two web sites.

Navigating SHQ on a PC

  • Access to the member area requires a password; check with club manager.
  • SHQ supports PCs and mobile devices.
  • The screen views are not the same, however, the content is essentially the same.
  • The Dashboard view has a list of links including My Profile, Rankings, Booking, and Evergreen Squash Club.
  • Evergreen Squash Club leads to Singles Box Ladder.

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