
1/2 Playoff 11-3, 9-11, 11-6, 7-11, 11-7 (28m) Preston CURRIE Angus STRANG Preston CURRIE
3/4 Playoff 11-5, 11-7, 13-11 (22m) Brayden BARRON Louis MCKAY Louis MCKAY
5/6 Playoff 12-10, 13-11, 5-11, 6-11, 11-7 (27m) Stephanie HOULT Sarah BRAZIER Stephanie HOULT
7/8 Playoff 14-12, 6-11, 1-11, 14-12, 11-6 (30m) MacKenzie FAHEY James FAHEY James FAHEY
9/10 Playoff 11-0, 11-0, 11-0 Harvey LEEMING Hazel CARY Harvey LEEMING
Direct Acceptance
Seed Name Nationality Club Alternate Replaced
- Preston Currie AU Mackay - Squash 52 No -
- James Fahey AU No -
- Brayden Barron AU Mackay - Squash 52 No -
- Hazel Cary AU Ingham Squash Club No -
- Stephanie Hoult Court Action Squash Centre No -
- MacKenzie FAHEY No -
- Angus Strang AU Mackay - Squash 52 No -
- Louis McKay Mackay - Squash 52 No -
- Sarah Brazier AU Mackay - Squash 52 No -
- Harvey Leeming AU Mackay - Squash 52 No -
Date / Time Position ID Location Player 1 Player 2 Result
2024-03-09 11:00am
Box 1: X1 MS5 - Court 1 - High ceiling court in centre position
Preston Currie
Brayden Barron
11-7, 13-11, 13-11
2024-03-09 10:00am
Box 1: X2 MS5 - Court 3 - High ceiling court LHS of Court 2
Preston Currie
Stephanie Hoult
11-9, 11-2, 11-4
2024-03-09 9:00am
Box 1: X3 MS5 - Court 1 - High ceiling court in centre position
Preston Currie
MacKenzie FAHEY
11-4, 11-5, 11-0
2024-03-09 3:00pm
Box 1: X4 MS5 - Court 1 - High ceiling court in centre position
Preston Currie
Harvey Leeming
11-2, 11-2, 11-4
2024-03-09 1:00pm
Box 1: X5 MS5 - Court 1 - High ceiling court in centre position
Brayden Barron
Stephanie Hoult
11-9, 11-5, 11-8
2024-03-09 3:30pm
Box 1: X6 MS5 - Court 1 - High ceiling court in centre position
Brayden Barron
MacKenzie FAHEY
11-4, 11-7, 11-7
2024-03-09 10:30am
Box 1: X7 MS5 - Court 3 - High ceiling court LHS of Court 2
Brayden Barron
Harvey Leeming
11-8, 11-4, 12-10
2024-03-09 11:30am
Box 1: X8 MS5 - Court 1 - High ceiling court in centre position
Stephanie Hoult
MacKenzie FAHEY
11-4, 11-1, 11-6
2024-03-09 9:30am
Box 1: X9 MS5 - Court 1 - High ceiling court in centre position
Stephanie Hoult
Harvey Leeming
11-0, 11-1, 11-0
2024-03-09 1:30pm
Box 1: X10 MS5 - Court 1 - High ceiling court in centre position
MacKenzie FAHEY
Harvey Leeming
11-2, 11-3, 11-6
2024-03-09 12:00pm
Box 2: X11 MS5 - Court 1 - High ceiling court in centre position
Angus Strang
Louis McKay
11-2, 13-11, 11-3
2024-03-09 11:00am
Box 2: X12 MS5 - Court 3 - High ceiling court LHS of Court 2
Angus Strang
Sarah Brazier
11-5, 11-6, 10-12, 11-6
2024-03-09 10:00am
Box 2: X13 MS5 - Court 1 - High ceiling court in centre position
Angus Strang
Hazel Cary
11-0, 11-0, 11-0
2024-03-09 9:00am
Box 2: X14 MS5 - Court 3 - High ceiling court LHS of Court 2
Angus Strang
James Fahey
11-8, 11-3, 11-6
2024-03-09 2:00pm
Box 2: X15 MS5 - Court 1 - High ceiling court in centre position
Louis McKay
Sarah Brazier
11-8, 10-12, 11-5, 11-8
2024-03-09 9:30am
Box 2: X16 MS5 - Court 3 - High ceiling court LHS of Court 2
Louis McKay
Hazel Cary
11-0, 11-0, 11-0
2024-03-09 11:30am
Box 2: X17 MS5 - Court 3 - High ceiling court LHS of Court 2
Louis McKay
James Fahey
9-11, 11-2, 11-9, 11-2
2024-03-09 12:30pm
Box 2: X18 MS5 - Court 1 - High ceiling court in centre position
Sarah Brazier
Hazel Cary
11-0, 11-0, 11-0
2024-03-09 10:30am
Box 2: X19 MS5 - Court 1 - High ceiling court in centre position
Sarah Brazier
James Fahey
11-5, 11-9, 11-5
2024-03-09 2:30pm
Box 2: X20 MS5 - Court 1 - High ceiling court in centre position
Hazel Cary
James Fahey
0-11, 0-11, 0-11
2024-03-09 12:30pm
A1 MS5 - Court 3 - High ceiling court LHS of Court 2
Preston Currie
Angus Strang
11-3, 9-11, 11-6, 7-11, 11-7
2024-03-09 1:00pm
B1 MS5 - Court 3 - High ceiling court LHS of Court 2
Brayden Barron
Louis McKay
5-11, 7-11, 11-13
2024-03-09 1:30pm
C1 MS5 - Court 3 - High ceiling court LHS of Court 2
Stephanie Hoult
Sarah Brazier
12-10, 13-11, 5-11, 6-11, 11-7
2024-03-09 2:00pm
D1 MS5 - Court 3 - High ceiling court LHS of Court 2
MacKenzie FAHEY
James Fahey
12-14, 11-6, 11-1, 12-14, 6-11
2024-03-09 12:00pm
E1 MS5 - Court 3 - High ceiling court LHS of Court 2
Harvey Leeming
Hazel Cary
11-0, 11-0, 11-0